Ratchaburi Biogas Project
This biogas project at SPM Farm is located at Pak Thor District, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand. The project consists of a high-rate continuous flow closed anaerobic treatment reactor to treat the barn flushing effluents produced by SPM’s swine rearing operations.
Santa Clara Energetic
With the implementation of this project, ELEJOR – Centrais Elétricas do Rio Jordão is able to sell electricity to the Brazilian grid, avoiding the dispatch of energy of fossil-fuelled power plants.
Mini Hydel Scheme, Karnataka
The project generates electricity using hydro potential available in Cauvery River and exporting the generated electricity to the state-owned power utility company Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. (KPTCL).
El General Hydroelectric Project
El General Hydroelectric Project (EGHP) is a hydro power plant consisting of two turbines with a combined capacity of 40 MW, and an average annual net generation of approximately 198,380 MWh.
San Antonio El Sitio Wind Power Project
The San Antonio El Sitio Wind Power Project consists of installing sixteen 3.45 megawatt (“MW”) Vestas V112 wind turbine generators (“WTG”), for a total capacity of 55.2 MW. San Antonio El Sitio is expected to provide 135,654.59 GWh per year to the Guatemalan National Interconnected System.
Burgos Wind Project, Ilocos Norte
Burgos wind farm in Ilocos Norte is the biggest wind farm in the Philippines and the first wind project nominated for the Philippine Government’s feed-in-tariff (FIT) incentive scheme.