Freightbrokers Ltd - TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Information about our courier services. Our website Freight Brokers (freightbrokersuk.com will give you a view of our business and services we offer our customers.

Liability, Prohibited Items, Non- Insured Items, and Items Protected for Loss Only

As we provide services to several carriers, including UPS, DHL and Fed Ex, you should refer to their individual terms and conditions for prohibited items, Non-insured items and items protected for loss only.  As a broker we offer rates only, we will on your behalf approach our carriers if any issues arise.


You can buy Insurance during the ordering process with our carriers. Please refer to the individual carriers’ terms for cover.

Customer Service

We offer a genuine and efficient service to our customers.  Our customers can use Freightbrokers as a point of contact for any billing and service queries.

Terms and Conditions of carriers.

Below are links to our carriers’ terms and conditions, which we are in contract with, these terms and conditions are passed down to our customers.

T&Cs of Carriage (on Cost Summary) (express.dhl)

Terms and Conditions | UPS - United Kingdom

Terms of Use | FedEx United Kingdom